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Home / PGprint Blog / Use Booklets to Stand Out in Print Marketing

Use Booklets to Stand Out in Print Marketing

Large companies and small businesses each want the same things; to stand out and always be a notch above their competitors. Print marketing comes into play daily, as every business has to keep a competitive edge in the marketplace.

High quality booklet printing is not only one of the most effective tools used, it’s also one of the more organized and price friendly options available. If you want customers to take you seriously, professionally printed booklets are an excellent way to leave a long lasting impression.

When companies are thinking about how to market something, there’s always that “wow” factor that needs to come into play. A well designed, professional booklet is a great way to show your customers how much thought you have put into your brand.

Let’s say there are multiple products involved. A booklet can contain product photos that are strategically placed to appeal to the viewer. Along with photos, businesses can include information about each product or detailed descriptions on how each product can better your life. When done correctly, a booklet is the perfect solution to advertising your products. Potential clients are usually way more inclined to purchase items featured in a book than a multitude of other print marketing techniques.

When creating a booklet, you have to think about what it’s for. What’s the purpose of your booklet? Once you answer that question you’re off to the races. Maybe you want to promote your new company. A booklet can help you organize and list everything you’d like the viewer to know. Page-by-page, if designed right, a booklet can be a cool adventure you take the reader on. Maybe you have a special event you’d like to promote. Placing photos and descriptions on a layout that’s well thought out will be sure to grab the reader’s attention. It’s all about how the design works in your favor. A poor design gets poor results, every time. So, presentation is always key.

Colors, layout, design, content and photography all play a huge role in how a booklet functions. If you’re lacking in one of these areas your booklet might not flow properly.

It’s best to cross all t’s and dot all your i’s before going to print. After your booklet is digitally ready, now comes the fun part. Picking the right printer. The printing of a booklet is the final and most important part. A good paper stock and a proper cover will be icing on the cake. Like I said before, presentation makes all the difference. Once your booklet has all these factors, you’re sure to make an impact on whoever your audience is.

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